Do you know what is Glossophobia?
It is generally considered the #1 fear in the world, with a figure usually shared of 75% people being concerned.
Even though the figures are approximative, you may know very well that fear. Actually, a lot of Toastmaster Members and people interested in our organisation meet it regularly, as Glossophobia is the fear of speaking in public.
Public speaking might sound an easy action. Speaking being a natural skill, why fearing doing so in front of an audience? At the end, even though the frame is different, the action remains equal.
Well… public speaking usually comes with some stakes, doesn’t it?
Some professional meeting… that presentation in front of funders… your speech as a guest in an important event…
Many times, your present and your future enter the game.
So… what is your personal (intimate?) relationship with Glossophobia? Avez-vous le trac ? would French people say. And how does a Toastmaster deal with this so-shared fear?
Mansur Peleteiro Colom is 2020-2021 District 59’s Parliamentarian. He shares with us his views about Glossophobia. We hope his tips will help you play down this obstacle in your journey to appearing as your plain self.
Are you naturally afraid of public speaking? Then good news: you are part of the likable “imperfect” humankind 🎉
Share, comment, and let us say together: Bye, bye, Glossophobia! 👋🏽
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