A minimum of four officers has to be trained in every round of training to gain this point:
- 1st round has to take place between June 1st and August 31st (submitted before 15 September)
- 2nd round between December 1st and February 28th (submitted before 15 March).
Various divisions conduct TLI training in a “one-room setting” where all the roles (grades) get taught at the same time. In this case, each officer would have been trained for every role and therefore should get dual credit. In other cases when there are separate sessions for each role (i.e. Presidents in one room and VPM in another room) the dual officers must attend each of the individual sessions to receive credit for both roles they serve.
Club officers should preferably be trained by authorized District representatives in a live training session.
Only the Club President, Vice President Education, Vice President Membership, Vice President Public Relations, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant at Arms can receive credit for attending.
Please keep a copy for your own records.
For more detailed information please read the Distinguished Club Program and Club Success Plan (item 1111) pages 8 and 9.[/fusion_text][separator style_type=”none” top_margin=”20″ bottom_margin=”20″ sep_color=”” border_size=”” icon=”” icon_circle=”” icon_circle_color=”” width=”” alignment=”center” class=”” id=””][title size=”2″ content_align=”left” style_type=”underline solid” sep_color=”#004165″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” class=”” id=””]Submission on the Toastmasters International website[/title][fusion_text]Immediately after completing your Club Officers Training you follow these steps:
- Go to www.toastmasters.org
- Go to “Leadership Central“
- Go to “District Central“
- Choose District 59
- Select “Record/Review Club Officer Training“
- Choose the relevant Training period and proceed
- Carefully select the officers who attended the Training
- Check carefully before saving because once it is saved it cannot be changed
If you have made a mistake, please send an e-mail to pqd59@district59.org so the PQD can communicate and rectify with Toastmasters International.
If you have questions, also send an e-mail to pqd59@district59.org[/fusion_text]
Dear Manie,
Thank you thousand times for the chance to get all my club officers trained and ready.
Summer season is always a difficult time hereabouts in Basel,
however, today i was amazed! I joined efforts with my co-director Caroline (Area I-1) and we both invited all novartis clubs (we have each a Novartis club) and 10 members came, the ones already trained wanted again a round to keep asking questions and refresh our previous training.
I am pleased to say that from my Novartis Club, all members were trained
Multilingual club got also 4 members trained: President, VPEd, VPPR, Secretary.
Thence I can finally and happily say, my Area I-2 accomplished that all their minimum club officers have been trained and submitted.
Thank you again for this once-only chance to get this task done
I owe you a big one. Caroline and I owe you a big big one!
warm regards from cold Basel,