Organizational Leadership Workshop, by Div. E
The Toastmaster Leaders of the District and Clubs direct their energy and effort to the betterment of a club member.
How does this energy flow across different horizontals and verticals of Toastmasters Leadership?
Can the Leaders and Members effectively direct this energy to achieve desired results?
How can Leaders and Members improve energy efficiency by utilizing the right channels?
Division E Team’s aim: to enlighten and equip Toastmaster members and officers with the necessary information and tools to do their best in Toastmasters Journey.
Your contact: / +31 684 282 663
*Session 1:
Members and Leaders are like the Ocean and Rain.
How do you ask? Find out in this session as we explain to you how the Leaders of the District shall strive to facilitate the growth of every individual member.
*Session 2:
You have cleared the interview and you are a District leader. Now what?
In this session, we will try understand the difference between theory and practice, what the manuals do not tell you about your role.
*Session 3:
Clarity is power! But how to get clarity and make peace with time in this fast paced world, when having an overwhelming “TO DO” list or when having a big project? Keep calm and relax, we are going to clarify everything.
What do you really want? In this session, we will do some goal setting and find out what is important to you.
*Session 4:
Members’ and Leaders’ relationship is a two-way street lit up with Personal Leadership. We plan together, work together, and celebrate achievements together.
All of this requires effective communication. In this session, we help you understand the importance of communication channels and their efficient utilization.
You will meet 3 speakers:
> Shashidhar, Division E Director, Treasurer at Light Town Speakers
> Nassima, President at Light Town Speakers
> Milena, Division E Program Quality in-charge, Member at McDermott Toastmaster The Hague.
Check the event on EasySpeak
and join on Zoom the D-day