June webinars: LinkedIn makeover and other branding issues

Thanks to committed presenters and engaged participants, our first  round of webinars on voice training (thank you Olivia Schofield http://www.oliviaschofield.com/) and personal branding (thank you Nelson Emilio http://nelsonemilio.com/) that took place in April and May was a total success. So much a success that we have tailored a new series to better accommodate your needs. Check them out and click to register and/or share with any interested.

Webinar 1) Getting started with personal branding on social networks  II: Twitter
on June 12th, 2014 8:30 PM CEST at:               

personal brand definition

You are thinking of joining LinkedIn or Twitter? You are already present on these networks but you have no idea how to benefit from them? You need a personal branding shake. Good news: we have a series of practical tips for you to get comfy with your personal brand and social networking


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. On the webinar day, join few minutes earlier than the official start to perform some technilca testing.

Webinar 2) LinkedIn profile makeover with Toastmasters on June 19th, 2014 8:30 PM CEST at:
The 20 first to register, will be guided in improving their LinkedIn profile by personal branding specialist Nelson Emilio. How it works: once you are registered to the webinar, send Nelson a link to your LinkedIn profile at nelson.emilio@gmail.com mentioning webinar 19.6 in the title (deadline 16th June). After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. On the webinar day, join few minutes earlier than the official start to perform some technilca testing.
Webinar 3) LinkedIn profile makeover with Toastmasters on Jun 26, 2014 8:30 PM CEST at:
The 20 first to register will be guided in improving their LinkedIn profile by personal branding specialist Nelson Emilio. How it works: once you are registered to the webinar, send Nelson a link to your LinkedIn profile at nelson.emilio@gmail.com mentioning webinar 19.6 in the title (deadline 16th June). You will be all set for the webinar during which you will be guided on imrpoving your profile.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. On the webinar day, join few minutes earlier than the official start to perform some technilca testing.


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