Club Growth Resources

—To be updated—

This page holds a number of resources that can be useful for Club Growth

If you would like to contribute/share materials on this subject please send them for publication to

Requests for Budget for Building/Rebuilding Clubs

General Guidelines: how to request budget in general.

Club Growth Specific Guidelines: budget for marketing and growing clubs.

Demo Meeting Form: please use it to request budget for any demo meeting you may want to run. Please remember that only expenses previously budgeted and approved will be reimbursed.

Club Building and Re-building

Club Coach Database Form: we are looking for a more agile way of assigning club coaches when needed, so we have thought of having a District-wide database of candidates (people with experience and willingness to take such challenge, and who might also want to get the needed credit in the Leadership Track). Fill this form with those candidates from your Areas/Divisions.

Prospective Clubes Database: prospective clubes database in Toastmasters International is official, but lacks some information. Also, there are some leads that are potentially chartering clubs, that are not in the system. For that, we would like that all of us (CGD, DD, AD, Club Growth Network) use this common tracking tool.

Finding New Members for Your Club

All About Toastmasters

Moments of Truth

Closing the sale

Meeting roles and responsibilities


Webinar “Attract and retain members” held on March 8th, 2017

Video recording of the webinar

Slides: Attract and Retain Members

Webinar “How to Charter a Club” held on March 16th, 2017

Video recording of the webinar

Slides: How to Charter a Club

Webinar “Supporting a Corporate Club” held on March 23rd, 2017

Video recording of the webinar

Slides: Supporting a Corporate Club